Video games you'll never play.
Remember when it was okay for a video game to not have convex volumetric
fog rendering and bilinear interpolated textures to be fun? Since when did
it become
acceptable for 30% of your system's resources to be devoted to rendering
shadows, atmospheric scattering, ambient light effects, and all this other
superfluous bullshit that game coders keep adding to their engines so they
can win some imaginary pissing contest?
Nobody cares about graphics if the game plays like dog shit. I'm bored to
tears with first person shooters. Changing the theme from one time period
to another isn't enough anymore, assholes. Did someone beat you to the
punch on that killer WWII shooter you were making? Don't worry, just take
the same concept, change a few textures, and call it Battlefield Vietnam.
We won't notice. Hell, why not Battlefield Korea?
So I've decided to make a few video game ideas of my own. Games you
haven't seen before, and probably won't see in the near future:
You get bonus points for every additional year you keep your job while avoiding
every major video game release, cementing your reputation as a notoriously
stupid sellout asshole.
Besides being a lazy douche, you fritter away all the money you didn't earn
on cheap beer and football memorabilia because you "almost went pro" in
college. Of course, you can never be fired because you can
milk the family card as long as your brother works at the firm, but the game
ends when the work piles up so much that you can't avoid actually doing
Identity Crisis!
It's the year 2004 and nobody knows what's cool anymore! Drift aimlessly
from one social trend to the next as you eventually find yourself converging
to the ultra-hip world of box-framed glasses and studded belts known as
"EMO." You have dyed-black hair that is engineered to
look messy, but it's not spikey enough to be punk. You wear a skin-tight
v-neck argyle sweater and black converse shoes--an amalgamation of old and
new. You are a walking paradox. You are EMO.
You're not bound by the confines of traditional denominational religions,
yet you're not confident enough to have an independent thought in that
thick, vacuous skull of yours, so you dabble
in trendy philosophies like Kabbalah and tribal mysticism. The game ends when
you stop sucking manufactured cool from MTV's teat long enough to realize
what a dumb son of a bitch you're being.
You're a struggling writer whose writing happens to suck, but fortunately
for you, the sucking doesn't stop there. Ride your shitty
script from one producer to the next, armed
only with your glossy lips, tube of chap stick, and a powerful set of lungs.
Some of the troubles you'll encounter are: trying to cope with your
hopelessly inadequate talent, flirting with repugnant men
with smelly balls, and living with yourself for being such a shameless whore.
You're 31 years old, have a six-figure income, and a receding hair line, but
you've spent the last 10 years of your life amassing a small fortune as an
investment banker; your financial success is punctuated with your 7 series
BMW, and new yacht. You're the man, except for one small problem:
you can't get laid.
Go on an adventure from one bar to the next trying to piece together
the social life you neglected by being a money-hungry
prick. Challenges include overcoming the social stigma caused by
years of greed driven self-loathing, only to realize that people only a
fraction as rich are living miserable lives too!
Prepare to suck down 9 millimeters of cold hard lead when you decide to take
the easy way out like the compromising chicken shit you always were.
Guess Who Forgot To Read The Demographic
A game where you try to shift blame for poor sales so you can keep
your job as an overpaid consultant. You were hired by some asshole
in upper management who's trying to cover his ass at board meetings with
statistics about sales figures (ie, making shit up), but instead of
looking at obvious historical and demographic trends, you cave in to
pressure from women's rights groups and Joe Lieberman's spirited backlash at
the video game industry due to his years of crippling impotence.
The only game you've ever played is "Myst," but you have a master's degree
in public administration, so that qualifies you to green-light the latest
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen "game," which really isn't a game so much as
a sack of soggy dicks.
Super Managerial Brothers
In this game, your brother is the manager of an accounting firm, so you
get a job and push the envelope every day by sleeping at your desk, taking
three-hour lunch breaks, leaving early, and going to the bathroom every
10 minutes so you can masturbate.
Corporate Whore
30 Something Investment Banker
3,726,988 people will never understand what's being said here.