Joan Rivers:
Who the hell watches her show, anyway? Does anyone give a shit about
who wears what to some hyped up Hollywood award show for actors making
eight to ten times the amount per movie that you make in an entire
year? Can anyone relate to these stuck-up dipshits wearing $5000 suits?
Worse yet, does anyone give a shit about what some washed up, bitter old
crone has to say about ANYONE? Maybe it's just me, but if I were a
fashion critic, I'd try not to look like a dumbass 100% of the time.
When Joan Rivers isn't busy being the blood-sucking bitch that she is,
she's molding her horse-faced daughter into her image so that when her
bitter ass finally crokes, her daughter will carry on her legacy and
piss me off for the rest of my life. I HATE JOAN RIVERS.
167,587 people think Joan Rivers should go to hell.